St. George Botanivore Gin 750ml
Boasting a big, but balanced bunch of botanicals, the Botanivore is bloomin' brilliant. An American craft gin with 19 different botanicals, including angelica root, bay laurel, "cilantro" (coriander to you and me), Seville orange peel, star anise and juniper berries, among others. It's like a greenhouse in a bottle, it is. The folks at St. George Spirits out in California ought to be proud of this bright, complex but very approachable gin.
Nose: Spicy with fennel, cardamom and orange peels shining through, but sweetness coming from the cinnamon and orange peel balances it out.
Palate: Earthy spices, crystallised ginger and caraway. Lemon and lime peel give it freshness, as does the bay laurel and coriander.
Finish: Cool and refreshing on the palate, like a sweet breeze.
Overall: Almost aperitif-like with its herbaceous personality, but with plenty of classic gin character to keep it grounded.
-- Masters of Malt