Casa Santos Lima Joya Tinto 750ml
Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Castelão, Touriga Franca. This wine presents an intense aroma of ripe red fruits and cinnamon notes. Well balanced and with smooth tannins, In the mouth it shows a light and long persistence, with well-balanced and smooth tannins. It has a complex finish, with notes of wood.
The Casa Santos Lima Joya Tinto is a delightful red wine from Portugal. On the nose, it offers intense aromas of red and black fruits, such as raspberries, cherries, and blackberries, with a hint of spice and vanilla. On the palate, the wine is medium-bodied, with a soft and smooth texture, well-balanced acidity, and gentle tannins. The fruit flavors are complemented by subtle oak notes and a pleasant finish. Overall, this is an easy-drinking and approachable wine that pairs well with a variety of dishes, including grilled meats, pasta, and cheese.